Thursday, May 13, 2010

May isn't turning out to be too bad a month after all. The Greek crisis has been kicked into touch for a few weeks, and Britain has a new Prime Minister and coalition which will provide stable government for a few weeks more.

Now if only BP can cap their leaky pipeline at the bottom of the sea, the world can get back to normal. The chances of that happenning any time soon look very slim however. Now that the first pictures are emerging of the smallest leak which looks horrendous, heaven knows what the largest leak looks like - and in all probablilty BP knows as well, but are claiming that they can't release them yet.

Most people might suspect that they could release their visuals of the largest leak in the next 20 seconds if they so chose, but know that they would scare a higher percentage of people than a viewing of The Exorcist in a kindergarten. BP would for ever be associated with an iconic image of environmental terror equal in effect to the destruction of the twin towers. Such images would be instantly seared into the minds of the public, causing BP's share price and profits to plummet. So perhaps one shouldn't expect to see pictures of the largest leak anytime soon.

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