Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Like most of the country I'm entranced by the complete shambles which has been left by a hung parliament. What amazes me even more is that anybody actually wanted a humg parliament in the first place. OK, true there's UKIP who expressly said they were out to get one, but that was just to piss off the Tories. But apart from the Tories, everybody else keeps on repeating the line 'the British electorate wanted a hung Parliament' It's become almost a mantra. If any sane person thinks about that for a minute, they would realise that it patently is not the case. Only LibDem voters may have wanted it, and half of them were probably so intoxicated by silky-skinned Clegg that they thought they were on their way to number 10. Which leaves about 12% of voters who wanted such an outcome, the first since 1974. But after being in this total horlicks for nearly a week, it's highly unlikely that anyone will want another one for the next 36 years.

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